What if my business is the victim of crime?

Surrey Police will provide all businesses and enterprises (such as charities), no matter the size, with services under the Victims’ Code that they are entitled to. If your business is the victim of a crime, it will receive services provided a named point of contact has been given for all communication between the business and Surrey Police.

You can submit an Impact Statement for Businesses (ISB), which will be offered to the name point of contact and may be taken at the same time as a witness statement, or one can be completed later and sent to the officer in charge. The ISB gives you the opportunity to inform Criminal Justice Agencies and the Court about what impact the crime has had on your business e.g. financial, physical or/and reputational.

You can say whether your business would like to have relevant parts of the ISB to be read aloud in Court during the defendants sentencing. What is read is at the discretion of the Court and it must not express any opinion on sentencing or the defendant’s punishment. The content of the ISB and the impact on the business will be taken into consideration by the judge during sentencing.
If you or a member of staff are also victims of the same crime and personally affected, making an ISB does not prevent an individual victim from making a separate Victim Personal Statement.

The officer in charge of your case will explain the ISB to you when they first make contact or take a witness statement.