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YMCA Dialogue counselling services
YMCA Dialogue counselling services YMCA Dialogue has been delivering counselling and therapy to children and young...
The National Stalking Helpline
•Are you or someone you know being made to feel harassed or intimidated by the behaviour of another person?•Are...
Surrey Victim & Witness Care Unit
Our professionally trained team is here to help victims of crime cope and, as far as possible, recover from their...
Surrey Police
If you have been a victim of crime, are in danger or know someone that is, please report it to Surrey Police....
Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Services
Outreach services offer an independent, confidential, listening service to anyone affected by domestic abuse. They...
Surrey Domestic Abuse Helpline
Helpline service providing advice, information, support and signposting to people who are experiencing domestic...
Refuge supports women and children who experience all forms of violence and abuse, including domestic violence,...
Paladin: National Stalking Advocacy Service
Paladin is a trauma-informed service established to assist high risk victims of stalking in England and Wales....
Mankind Helpline
Our confidential helpline is available for all men across the UK suffering from domestic violence or domestic abuse...